Dutil Denim on CBC: finding the fit for your new jeans for 2010

A pair of jean leggings (jeggings)-- Joe's Zip Ankle Legging in Dark Blue
A visit to one of the city's best, the world's best?, emporium of jeans, Dutil Denim on Cordova Street in Vancouver with Kayleigh Orman, buyer. Note it Kay-LEE not Kie-LEE.
Here's Kayleigh giving pointers on how to buy denim. A perfect way to renew the wardrobe in 2010.
Basic info but a good coaching session for a beat-the-January-blues-with-denim-blues shopping spree. Try on those JEGGINGS!
Interesting note: Dutil will be coming out with it's own denim line this MONTH!
Look here for an update on those jeans soon!
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