From the Inside of the Opening Ceremony: a fashion view at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics

Ravi Bansal, beauty queen, local plumbing magnate (really, not a joke), and Olympic standard bearer for Moldava (found between Russia and Romania but after Mexico during the march of nations) gives us the inside skinny on the opening ceremony.
What were you wearing?
I was wearing the outfit from Joe Fresh. It was a white skirt out of cotton. On top, a nice comfortable t-shirt. Like a two-piece slip, together. What you saw on television was a wrap-around dress jacket. A ski style with quilting on the inside.
It had a nice white leather belt to make a more hourglass shape. A very clean look.
Any favourites?
The shoes were cutest. They looked like little white ice skates. Just a small block with a little bit of fur on the top. I’ll never wear them again but they were cute. They were the icing on the cake.
I assumed all the athletes and bearer must have been sweating during
the athletes’ march...
No. It was quite cool while were waiting. It was such a great adrenaline rush you didn’t notice but during rehearsal it was warmer. I assume it was warmer with 60 000 in the stands but I was so excited I didn’t notice and no one else noticed.
Biggest fashion moment for the Opening?
I thought UK’s and Italy’s outfits were far the best.
What did they do right?
UK was adorable. They had a little Hogwarts theme going on. Very prep school. Very fashionable. Italy had beautiful wool blazers with gorgeous tan pants. They were definitely something you could wear again. Another highlight, Nelly Furtado’s dress. Gorgeous.
Any favourites?
The shoes were cutest. They looked like little white ice skates. Just a small block with a little bit of fur on the top. I’ll never wear them again but they were cute. They were the icing on the cake.
I assumed all the athletes and bearer must have been sweating during
the athletes’ march...
No. It was quite cool while were waiting. It was such a great adrenaline rush you didn’t notice but during rehearsal it was warmer. I assume it was warmer with 60 000 in the stands but I was so excited I didn’t notice and no one else noticed.
Biggest fashion moment for the Opening?
I thought UK’s and Italy’s outfits were far the best.
What did they do right?
UK was adorable. They had a little Hogwarts theme going on. Very prep school. Very fashionable. Italy had beautiful wool blazers with gorgeous tan pants. They were definitely something you could wear again. Another highlight, Nelly Furtado’s dress. Gorgeous.
What’s next for you?
The closing ceremonies.
Any hints about what we should expect?
It’s going to be very exciting.
No Led Zeppelin?
I don’t know anything at all. It’s kept secret from us.
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