GOTCHA!!! Did Green Party leader Elizabeth May reuse an outfit for the federal election debate en francais
From the CBC, Elizabeth May on the release of The Green Party's Green Plan 2 on September 27, 2006. |
Here's Ms. May from a still at last night's French debate. | ![]() |
What does this all mean? Is she staying tried and true to the Green Ethos of reduce, reuse, and recycle.
I called out Ms. May on CBC Radio One's The Point today. I DARED her to wear the same outfit again during tonight's English debate.
With Ms. May as a role model, no longer will women fear being caught wearing the same outfit twice, no longer will women loathe finding themselves wearing the same outfit as another woman.
In the masculine world of dress, two men in the same tie (see Layton and Duceppe) is only an opportunity for convivial recognition - "Hey, we have the same taste!" - perhaps women will now feel the same way.
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