Solving the mysteries of the new Sherlock Holmes coat - Millfords and Invernesses

With the second season of the hit BBC show Sherlock airing on BBC Canada this February (it debuts on PBS this May), it was elementary to expect a fervour for Holmesian fashion. The iconic fashion item for Sherlock redux is not a deerstalker cap. Instead, it's his chic outerwear. Yesterday, Katherine Lazaruk , a Vancouver image consultant, mentioned in passing that the Sherlock manteau (above), called the Millford by motorcycle coat makers Belstaff) had sold out. Belstaff had restocked but recently announced they would no longer produce it. The coat is a double-breasted tweed coat with dramatic sharp-angled lapels and collars. Always popped-up, they frame the detective's face (Benedict Cumberbatch) and impart the right 21st Century edge to the updated Victorian crime-solver. The long drape does well on Cumberbatch's slender body. It makes him look taller than he actually is. In the trailer for Season 2 , his ostensible height becomes a punchline. If you have been...