The 12 - little things that count

Instead of making a list of new things I want for the holidays I'm reflecting on the dozen objects that make a difference to me - kind of like counting blessings. Number 2. I had this idea I should buy a foot treadle Singer sewing machine from 1911. And I did. I had a dream of making jeans without the use of electrical mechanical devices. Nearly hand-made kind of concept. These days I use the sewing table as my writing desk. It has six drawers in cherry wood. In one of them I found this key chain mixed in with buttons dating between the First World War and the Seventies (there were some very groovy buttons in there). The key chain was wrapped up in tape and attached to it was a metal rod. I freed it from the rod and unwrapped the tape to find this very, simple utilitarian key chain. I like it because its not as grandiose as those wallet chains. And don't need very many keys (because I don't own any stuff). It's just right. The key chain clips nicely on a belt loo...